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Dr. B Vishnu Vardhan
Ph.D in Computer Science From J.N.T.U In 2008. M.Tech (Computer Science) from Birla Institute of Technology & Science
Sr. Professor (Deputation at JNTUH)

Dr. B Vishnu Vardhan is presently working  Senior Professor of CSE at JNTUH College of Engineering Manthani, Karimnagar. Completed his M. Tech from Birla Institute of Technology, Mesra, Ranchi in the year 2001 and completed his Ph.D from JNTUH in the year 2008, and Headed Department of IT of JNTUH College of Engineering Jagitial during 2010 to 2014.Vice Principal at JNTUH College of Engineering Manthani from 2017- 2022. JNTUH UCEM Principal from 2022 to till date.Promoted as Senior Professor in 2022.

His experience in diversified and integrated research exposure in the area of Computer Science and Information Technology has paved a way in guiding many Research scholars in the elite fields of Engineering. Under his guidance 17 scholars were awarded with PhDs and another 8 scholar's research work is in progress. He has submitted four patents,two books and two book chapters with international publishers. His areas of interests are Linguistic processing, Data mining, Natural language processing, Information security and Machine Learning. With more than 25 years of experience, he has involved in various capacities in many state level common entrance tests and is a member of various professional bodies like CSI, ISTE & IEEE.

He is the recipient of “Research Excellence Award” by Indus Foundation at Indo global Education Summit 2017 and "Bheeshmacharya Award" by Brain O Vision in the Year 2022. Published more than 100 papers in various International Journals and Conferences. Some of the top Journals that he published his articles are " ACM transactions, Taylor and Francis, WSEAS transactions, Inder science, Springer, Elsevier and IEEE. Out of the published papers, more than 50 papers were indexed in SCOPUS and 5 papers were indexed in SCI.

He has completed a project funded by Government of AP worth 5 lakhs from Ministry of IT on localization activity and as a co investigator completed another UGC funded project worth 9 lakhs. Presently one project id on going with Technical Education Quality Improvement Program (TEQIP) funds worth 3 lakhs. He is acting as a Chairman, Board of Studies for Computer Science Department for Sathavahana University. Acted as a BOS (Board of Studies) member for JNTUH, JNTUK.

He is a reviewer for the famous ELSIVIER Journal Information Sciences. He is an editorial and technical board member for many International Conferences, Reviewer for many International Journals like CSC Jounals, IET Jounal and IJIEE and evaluated a number of thesis from various Universities like Osmania, JNTUK and Nagarjuna University.


Contact :
Dr. B Vishnu Vardhan
Sr. Professor (Deputation at JNTUH)
Computer Science & Engineering
JNTUH University College of Engineering , Science & Technology Hyderabad

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