A National Level Technical Symposium On
JNTUH College of Engineering Manthani Centenary Colony, Pannur(Vil), Kamanpur(Mdl), Karimnagar, AP-505212, India
6th & 7th, March – 2014
The paper should be written in Microsoft Word format and should not exceed 6 pages in length and must be in IEEE format. Soft copy of manuscript should be sent to the Convenor by e-mail: aavishkruth2k14@gmail.com. After peer review, authors of the selected papers will be informed through mail. At least one author of each accepted paper must be registered for presentation in the conference.
- Please read the guidelines carefully before the manuscript (full length paper) is typed. A consistent format is important for a professional looking of publication.
- Paper and Margins: Use A4 size paper with the following margins. Top – 1.75"; Bottom – 1.75"; Left – 1.5"; Right – 1.25"
- Justification: Justify both the left and right margins
- Pagination: Do not use page numbers. Manuscript limited to a maximum of 10 A4 size typewritten pages (including abstract, references, tables, figures, etc.)
- Title's Style and Size:
(i) Paper Title: Times New Roman of Size 14, Initial Caps and Bold, Centre line alignment with Single line spacing
(ii) Headings: Times New Roman with Initial Caps and Bold with Single line spacing
(a) Abstract Heading: Size 9
(b) Headings in the text: Size 10
- Text Style and Size:
(i) Text in the Abstract: Times New Roman of Size 9, Justify both the ends with Single line spacing. An Indent of 0.3" on either side should be given and positioned at two lines below the Authors particulars. The abstract should not exceed 300 words.
(ii) Text in the Body: Times New Roman, Size 10, Justified on both the ends with Single line spacing. Text should be arranged in two columns with a spacing of 0.2" between the columns and total width of the text including 0.2" spacing should be 5.5".
- Names of Authors, Style and Size: Times New Roman, Size 11, Initial Caps, Bold and Centre to the page and Place at one line spacing below the Paper Title. If the authors are more than one, their names should be numbered serially on their top right. The addresses of the authors along with their numbers should be mentioned immediately below the names of the authors with all the font properties of author names except the Bold property.
- Figures and Photographs: All figures and photographs must fit with in the same margins as the text. Place the caption below the figure and Centered with Initial caps having Size 10. All figures and drawings should be drawn on a good quality paper with black ink and numbered (including photographs) consecutively in the order they are mentioned in the text. No color photographs or figures are allowed. Keep in mind that the entire page (text and figures) may be reduced by certain percent for the final proceedings. So numerals and characters must be large enough so as to be legible after reduction. Photographs: In black and white with moderate contrasts should be pasted on a separate page as unmounted glossy enlargements. For photographic titles, follow the instructions of the figure titles.
- Tables: Table title should be one line above the table in initial caps with Size 10 and flush left. Place all table footnotes directly below the table. All tables must be numbered consecutively in the order they are mentioned in the text.
- All figures, photographs and tables should be submitted on separate sheets.
- Equations: Single line spacing should be given between text and equation and left flushed. Number the equations consecutively. Equation number should be in parenthesis and flushed right.
- References: The references should immediately follow the text rather than beginning a new page. Care to be taken to list all references cited and all listed references should be cited in the text.
References should be given as shown below: Ex 1. To cite in the text:
It is observed by Vincenz (1968) that ……………..
Hard rock area comprises …………………………. (Pathak et al., 1990)
Ex2. For listing of references:
Vincenz, S.A., 1968. "Resistivity Investigations of Limestone Aquifers in Jamaica",
Geophysics, Vol.33, pp. 980-994.
Pathak, O.P., A. Rawat and M.N.Rao.1990. "Groundwater Modeling Techniques – A
Case Study", Groundwater, Vol.27, pp. 285-295.
- 13. Units: S.I. Units are recommended.
- Mathematical Symbols and Notations : Should be defined wherever they first appear in the text. The authors may please note that the papers will be reviewed by a Scientific Programme Committee which reserves the right to accept, reject or modify the paper before publishing in the proceedings. Upload the abstract and full paper as per the schedule given.
Important Dates
Last date for Paper submission : 04-03-2014 |
Paper acceptance Notification : 06-03-2014 |
Spot Registrations Accepted
How to Apply
Interested candidates may apply ONLINE